Monday, September 1, 2014

as good as it gets

Sometimes I am convinced that this is as good as it gets. Especially now, as September rolls in, sure to bring less stifling temperatures and richly colored leaves. It's sophomore year of college and the friendships are somehow growing sweeter. And the hurricane of tests and papers has not caused precautions to be taken or damage to be done yet. The freedom is still tangible.

We can drive to a faraway mountain town for the afternoon, because time is still abundant. We can make plans with little conflict and we can have worship nights in a dimly lit living room without the  pressing feeling that there is something more important to be done, and we can stay up all night laughing with our roommates, despite the early morning classes that come quicker than we'd like.

Sometimes I think this is as good as it gets. But only sometimes.

Because I remember that there are memories yet to be made, music yet to be discovered, road trips yet to be taken, people yet to be met, stages of life yet to be entered, and heaven yet to be seen. This is not  as good as it gets. And while this kind of good that life brings seems so great right now, this is some of the best news we will ever receive.

Life forever with Jesus, a space prepared especially for you, a kind of unity we cannot know until we get there- that is as good as it gets. And for now, I am thankful for the mere small glimpses that I get to see of it.

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